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artist: Sammy Baloji

The Tower - Concrete Utopia / TheTower, 7th street, Quartier industriel, municipality of Limete. Kinshasa

Sammy Baloji

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Part-skyscraper, part-pyramid, part-citadel, this unfinished and ragged twelve-story building stands, incongruously, among the industrial environment of Limete. Towering above this desultory landscape and defying gravitational laws and urban zoning rules, this uncommon architectural proposition forms one of the strangest and most enigmatic landmarks of the city. A giant question mark, it begs for profound reflection on the nature of the city, the heritage of its colonial modernist architecture, the dystopian nature of its infrastructure, and the capacity for utopian urban dreams and lines of flight that it nonetheless continues to generate.

Sammy Baloji

Sammy Baloji explores the cultural, architectural and industrial heritage of the Katanga region in Congo...